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0,00 DKKVis kurv

Kit Oprensning og af GFP/BFP p

When bacteria are used to make medicinally useful proteins by transformation, the protein of interest must be separated from all of the other cellular proteins. In this experiment, the unique fluorescent properties of GFP and BFP will be used as an assay during their purification from an E. coli extract. The column fractions containing GFP or BFP will be identified by fluorescence and then purified. As an optional activity, purified protein fractions can be separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to estimate the purity and size of the GFP and BFP proteins.

Kit includes: instructions, columns and matrix, GFP and BFP extracts, buffer, protein gel reagents for optional activity.

All you need: waterbath, long wave UV lamp, ring stand; clamps, automatic micropipet, vertical gel electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, hot plate, polyacrylamide gels (12%).

Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage.

Forventede lev. 10 hverdage 

Varenummer: 255
Pris pr. stk. v. 1 stk. 1.355,00 DKK(ekskl. moms)

Priser : Alle priser er ekskl. moms
Købsknap : Købsknap bliver synlig ved login
Åbningstider : Man 9-16/Tirs-Tors 8.30-16/Fre 8.30-15
Spørgsmål : Skriv en mail eller ring 4470 4000
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