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0,00 DKKVis kurv

Planetarium Helios

Helios Planetariet giver en klar visualisering af de 6 klassiske planeter rundt om solen. Solen er placeret i midten og uden om drejer Merkur, Venus, Jorden, Mars, Jupiter og Saturn med korrekte relative hastigheder. Variabel trinløst hastighed både frem og tilbage. Om Jorden roterer en model af Månen.

Den aftagelige kuppel viser den nordlige stjernehimmel. Hvis pæren i midten blotlægges og lokalet mørklægges kan hele stjernehimlen projekteres op i lokalet, idet stjernehimlen er trykt på indersiden af kuplen, og man får følelsen af at side i et Planetarium. Der medfølger en større udgave af jorden som globus med diameter 100 mm, som kan anvendes til illustration af årstiderne, døgnvariation, månens faser osv

The Helios Planetarium gives a clear visualisation of the six classical planets (Mercury - Saturn) orbiting at their correct relative speed and stars remaining in their positions in the sky.

The geared, electric orrery will delight keen astronomers of all ages and is available in three versions.

All versions of the model enable the study of the following topics:
  • The Planets in their orbits (length of a year, inferior and superior planets)

  • The phases of Venus

  • The Moon and its phases (external light source required)

  • Eclipse basics

  • Time - solar, sidereal and G.M.T.

  • The ecliptic and the Zodiacal constellations

  • How the planets appear to move against the night sky

  • Use of the Helios outside at night - where should the stars appear in the sky?

  • With the large Earth and Moon accessories that are included in versions 0150 and 0151 you can also watch as the Earth rotates on its axis while the Moon orbits it every 29.5 'days'.
  • Using an external light source (torch, projector), the larger size of Earth and Moon enables you to demonstrate the following events much more clearly:

  • Day and night

  • Shadows and the seasons

  • The Moon's month, phases and eclipses

  • The Pole Star, circumpolar stars and a nocturnal

  • The Moon and stars from different positions on Earth

  • The tides

  • Space travel
Varenummer: 81201
Pris pr. stk. v. 1 stk.. 4.495,00 DKK(ekskl. moms)

Priser : Alle priser er ekskl. moms
Købsknap : Købsknap bliver synlig ved login
Åbningstider : Man 9-16/Tirs-Tors 8.30-16/Fre 8.30-15
Spørgsmål : Skriv en mail eller ring 4470 4000
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